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Diplexers for Ecosites and conventional sites

Diplexers allow you to combine the 2 signals of the specified bands with filtering and isolation.


Port 3

Port 1                         Port 2

Sturdy structure and resistant to damage in conditions of use

DIN 7-16 - female - long neck

Technical specifications may change without notice, as well as
how to be changed to meet special requests.

Contato comercial - propostas:

Celular/WhatsApp: +55 21 99406-2279

ERGO ENGENHARIA poles meet the concept of smart poles, with a design that minimizes aggression to the urban and rural environment. They are customizable to meet different demands, such as mobile operator and city hall sites with security monitoring of public roads, roads, traffic, slopes, waterways, accidents, incidents, as well as remote collection / supervision of environmental indices such as temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall.
© 2021 by Ergo Engenharia.

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