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  • IoT | Ergo Engenharia

    IoT Internet of Things Currently our IoT (internet of things) services are oriented to projects that involve meeting the demands of city halls interested in implementing systems for smart cities. Smart cities are already a reality, the future is being lived now. Imagine living in urban centers with greater patrimonial, personal and environmental security? All of this can be implemented now from IoT devices and applications, providing greater governance with predictive analysis from data collection on the public road, even if the city already has an urban device installed. Contato técnico IOT:

  • Espiral Cônica | Ergo Engenharia

    Antennas Yagis Antenna manufactured with impedance compensators and solid dielectric power supply that completely occupies the internal physical space , preventing the entry of water or moisture. Vertical and Horizontal Polarization We are a family owned and operated business. N-female connector Information subject to change without notice. Other specifications or items can be met upon consultation with the customer and specific quotation. We are a family owned and operated business. 2-year warranty for manufacturing and assembly defects. Spare parts availability for 10 years.

  • Filtros 5G | Ergo Engenharia

    5G filters Mitigation filters for 5G interference in the FSS The 5G filters clean the electromagnetic spectrum, mitigating the interference of the 5G signals in the FSS range. Curva de desempenho do filtro O contexto: a implantação do 5G vem sendo estudada há anos. Em fins de novembro de 2020 fomos procurados pelo SINDSAT/Claro e consultados sobre uma solução para a notória interferência do 5G no FSS. Em junho de 2021, foi emitida a CP 29/2021 que propôs manter sem banda de guarda o limite das faixas contínuas ao FSS e o uso de filtros. O projeto: Em janeiro de 2021 apresentamos um modelo em análise matemática do nosso filtro com comportamento analógico e digital. Aprovado o modelo pela engenharia do SINDSAT, deu-se início a prototipagem e em dois meses de trabalho foram produzidos dois protótipos apresentados já em forma física e suas respectivas respostas em forma analógica e digital. O SINDSAT solicitou uma analise detalhada em laboratório de terceiros. O laboratório do CEFET/RJ promoveu os testes que foram encaminhados e aprovados pela engenharia do SINDSAT. Em seguida foi solicitada a cessão dos filtros para testes de campo com entrada no laboratório do CRT da Claro, na Ilha do Fundão, no Rio de Janeiro em 15/06/2021. ​ O status atual: foi criado pela Anatel um conselho técnico e a empresa EAF para definir as faixas de frequência, adequação dos filtros e instalação nas receptoras definidas. Foram homologados filtros a serem aceitos pela EAF e utilizados em consultas públicas para atendimento aos locais definidos pela Anatel para receber através da EAF gratuitamente estes filtros. O filtro da Ergo, modelo ER-F 3742 G4 foi homologado pela EAF para este fim.

  • Espiral Cônica | Ergo Engenharia

    Antennas Yagis Antenna manufactured with impedance compensators and solid dielectric power supply that completely occupies the internal physical space , preventing the entry of water or moisture. Sturdy structure and resistant to damage in conditions of use Vertical and Horizontal Polarization We are a family owned and operated business. N-female connector Information subject to change without notice. Other specifications or items can be met upon consultation with the customer and specific quotation. We are a family owned and operated business. 2-year warranty for manufacturing and assembly defects. Spare parts availability for 10 years.

  • Espiral Cônica | Ergo Engenharia

    Maritime Mobile Double Yagi Projects applied to National Defense and support to Coastal Navigation Maritime Navigation Service - Single Yagi - Horizontal Plane Maritime Navigation Service - Single Yagi - Vertical Plane Antenna manufactured with impedance compensators and solid dielectric power supply that completely occupies the internal physical space, preventing the entry of water or moisture. Information subject to change without notice. Other specifications or items can be met upon consultation with the customer and specific quotation. We are a family owned and operated business. 2-year warranty for manufacturing and assembly defects. Spare parts availability for 10 years.

  • Espiral Cônica | Ergo Engenharia

    Maritime and Air Traffic Control Navigation Service Civil coverage of coastal and river navigation Dipole antenna with reflector with Cardioid irradiation Maritime Navigation Service - Horizontal Plan Maritime Navigation Service - Vertical Plan Sturdy structure and resistant to damage in conditions of use Information subject to change without notice. Other specifications or items can be met upon consultation with the customer and specific quotation. We are a family owned and operated business. 2-year warranty for manufacturing and assembly defects. Spare parts availability for 10 years.

  • Espiral Cônica | Ergo Engenharia

    Railway Antenna Antennas for locomotives in communication with the supervision units of the railway systems (Ore Transport). Railway Antenna - Vertical Plan Railway Antenna - Horizontal Plan Sturdy structure and resistant to damage in conditions of use We are a family owned and operated business. Hot-injected watertight, with no space for moisture or water to enter. The antenna's physical assembly can be immersed in water without compromising its operation after immersion Information subject to change without notice. Other specifications or items can be met upon consultation with the customer and specific quotation. We are a family owned and operated business. 2-year warranty for manufacturing and assembly defects. Spare parts availability for 10 years.

  • Espiral Cônica | Ergo Engenharia

    Railway Antenna Antennas for locomotives in communication with the supervision units of the railway systems (Ore Transport). Railway Antenna - Vertical Plan Railway Antenna - Horizontal Plan PD-LoRa - dupla diretiva VS-LoRa - singela para vagões Sturdy structure and resistant to damage in conditions of use We are a family owned and operated business. Hot-injected watertight, with no space for moisture or water to enter. The antenna's physical assembly can be immersed in water without compromising its operation after immersion Information subject to change without notice. Other specifications or items can be met upon consultation with the customer and specific quotation. We are a family owned and operated business. 2-year warranty for manufacturing and assembly defects. Spare parts availability for 10 years.

  • Terra-Ar | Ergo Engenharia

    Land - Air Antennas Set of 8 antennas Support system for civil and military flight. They are assembled with omnidirectional sets formed by 4 or 8 log-periodic antennas. Log-Periodic Land - Air 8 Cobertura no Brasil: o apoio à navegação aérea é feita pelos radares tridimensionais dos CINDACTA (Centro Integrado de Defesa Aérea e Controle de Tráfego Aéreo). Conectados aos sistemas TERRA-AR que tem como objeto dar suporte direto aos pilotos, revendo suas trajetórias a cada novo evento que apareça nos radares do CINDACTA como conflitantes com o bom curso do trafego aéreo e a defesa aérea. A cobertura todo o espaço aéreo nacional e adjacentes. Contexto: a cobertura em RF de todo o espaço aéreo brasileiro e adjacentes tem por necessidade ser omnidirecional. Havia no mercado antenas omnidirecionais profissionais para VHF, conhecidas como antenas coaxiais. Mas estas antenas somente mantém seu comportamento omni no topo das torres (elevadas para proporcionar maior cobertura). No entanto, este é o ponto de maior incidência para descargas elétricas. Potentes e frequentes descargas elétricas que ocorrem no Brasil além de causar danos ao patrimônio (antenas, e equipamento), causam severas consequências físicas e, via de regra, fatalidades em vidas humanas. A norma técnica estabelece este como o local único para a instalação do para-raios, proibindo a instalação de antenas. ​ O novo desafio: foi resolvido com antenas de direcionalidade adequadas dispostas em conjunto para formarem irradiação omnidirecional. As antenas do terra-ar foram adquiridas para o projeto SIVAM a partir de 2000 pela empresa RAYTHEON. Em 2002 a RAYTHEON. Para o cone sul, a PARK AIR adquiriu o mesmo sistema e mantem-se instalada até recentemente, hora fazendo parte do grupo NORTHTROP GRUMMAN. Technical specifications are subject to change without notice, as well as being changed according to the customer's needs. The warranty is one year for manufacturing and assembly defects.

  • Ecosite | Ergo Engenharia

    Ecosites ERGO ENGENHARIA posts are approved by TIM and meet the concept of smart posts, with a design that minimizes aggression to the urban and rural environment. They are customizable to meet different demands, such as mobile operator and city hall sites with security monitoring of public roads, highways, traffic, slopes, waterways, accidents, incidents, as well as remote collection / supervision of environmental indexes such as temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall. Our posts are easy to install and deploy. Our models have a reduced base of 660mm and a flange of 880mm, requiring less area and installation cost. The concept of smart cities requires solutions that minimize the occupation of spaces, as well as integration with neighboring urban facilities with the least possible visual impact. Our posts are watertight, with adequate ventilation to maintain the heat flow necessary for the proper functioning of the installed equipment. They have adequate internal distribution of racks and energy in order to keep the 5 doors / parts available complete for physical and energy installation. Our poles obey the relevant technical norms, structural and atmospheric surges. Contato técnico IOT: Watch Now Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied

  • Antenas HF | Ergo Engenharia

    Ergo is a startup that provides intelligent technological solutions for Telecommunications, IoT, Civil Defense, Mobile Maritime, Public Security and National Defense Rethinking the future Smart solutions for smart cities ERGO's smart poles automatically meet the operational requirements of the internal environment in order to preserve the equipment installed there: control of the temperature and the flow of internal heat; internal tightness and humidity; noise generated by the various equipment, especially the heat flow; protection against lightning strikes. Our models have a reduced base of 660mm and a flange of 880mm, meeting the standards of urban lighting. Our posts maintain remote supervision and control with the use of IoT device systems. They are customizable to meet different demands, such as cell phone operator sites and city halls with security monitoring of public roads, roads, traffic, slopes, waterways, accidents, incidents, as well as remote collection / supervision of environmental indexes such as temperature, humidity , pressure, rainfall. ERGO poles meet the concept of smart poles, with a design that minimizes aggression to the urban and rural environment. The concept of smart cities requires solutions that minimize the occupation of spaces, as well as integration with neighboring urban facilities with the least possible visual impact. Read more Highlights Surface-to-Air Antennas Support system for civil and military flight. Read more Rotating Log-Periodic Alternative to HF in civil and military coverage in the South Atlantic and the Amazon. Read more Conical Spiral Antenna HF coverage for civil systems (PE: Renec - National Network of Coastal Stations), and military (PE: Coverage in Navigation of the South Atlantic, Amazon and Border Protection). Read more Railway Antenna Antennas for locomotives in communication with the supervision units of the railway systems (Ore Transport). Read more 5G filters Read more 5G Interference mitigation filters 5G filters clean the electromagnetic spectrum, mitigating the interference of 5G signals in the FSS range Read more Maritime Furniture Civil coverage of coastal and river navigation Read more IoT Solutions We offer the development of embedded technology for systems based on the Internet of Things principle, which allows facilities such as remote monitoring of information. Read more Do you know Ergo Engenharia? We are a startup that provides intelligent technological solutions. A telecommunications company and we develop projects in areas such as Civil defense, Public security, National and Coastal Defense, Telephony and IoT. Read more Contact us ​ +55 21 99406-2279 Submit Thank you for contacting us! About Us Our mission History Our values Partners

  • Espiral Cônica | Ergo Engenharia

    Rotating Log-Periodic Alternative to HF in civil and military coverage in the South Atlantic and the Amazon. Front frame Rear frame Front frame Rear frame Robust structure Information subject to change without notice. Other specifications (*) or items (**) can be met upon consultation with the customer and specific quotation. We are a family owned and operated business. 2-year warranty for manufacturing and assembly defects. Spare parts availability for 10 years.

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